My babies and me

My babies and me

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

7 weeks old!

So because I'm just starting this blog, it's going to jump around a lot in the beginning since I'll be backtracking with the pregnancy and birth story as well as keeping as up to date as possible with current events.  Sorry for the lack of organization at this point...please bear with me!

So Cooper and Gemma were 7 weeks old yesterday! I can't believe my babies are already that old.  They are growing so fast!  I took Gemma to the doctor's yesterday because she had a rash that I wanted to have looked at.  She is fine and the rash is clearing up, but they weighed her and she is already 8 lbs. 10 oz.! She's turning into a chunky monkey.  Cooper is hovering near the 10 lb mark!

So far, they aren't on any real schedule.  We feed them when they're hungry which is usually about every 3-4 hours and then they usually just sleep in between feedings.  Since they were 5 1/2 weeks premature (born at 34 weeks 4 days gestation), they are a little behind on some milestones, such as tummy time, though they both have remarkably strong necks.  They are always looking around when we're holding them up so it won't be much longer before we start in with tummy time adventures.  They've definitely gone through some growth spurts.  They both eat 4 oz. at each feeding which some days seems like a lot and some days seems like not enough.  Since I'm breastfeeding, it's always daunting trying to keep up with their 4 oz. each habit!  When they were still little and only eating 2 oz. each feeding, I was able to pump the rest and freeze it so I have a smallish milk stash stored up for when there isn't enough.  Breastfeeding has been it's own journey!  I'll write more about that later.  For now, please just enjoy a few cute photos of my darlings on their 7 week birthday.


Me & Gemma


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