My babies and me

My babies and me

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Merry Christmas Eve!

My kids are sleeping right now which means I should be sleeping, but I needed to eat too so I figured I'd multitask.  I can't believe it's already Christmas Eve.  Isn't it interesting how we generally look ahead throughout the year to certain holidays and then gauge time by them?  Christmas is my gauge.  It's always, 11 months 'til Christmas, 10 month's 'til Christmas, etc, etc.  And now it's here!  I kept thinking all throughout this year that by Christmas, I'll have my babies.  I'll have the best gift anyone could ever ask or hope for in my arms...oh what a joy it will be!

I never really believed other mother's when they said how much they loved their children.  Now let me clarify- I guess I didn't know how much love a person could feel for someone she just met.  Of course I couldn't understand because I'd never experienced it to this degree before!  But it is so true- I have so much love for my children I feel like I could burst sometimes.  I would do anything for them!  It's this kind of love that makes me think about the Reason for the Season.  God sent His Son, His Everything to this earth as a baby boy to save the lost sinners. That's us. You and me.  His children.  He knew what it would cost; He knew that in order to save us all, He would have to sacrifice His Everything.  God loves us so much, I'm sure He feels like he could burst sometimes too.  He would do anything for us.

I hope this season, you can know you are loved by the One who created you.  I hope you know you are not alone, there is always someone in your corner, there is always someone who wants you to be happy.    Merry Christmas to you and yours from me and mine!

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